Tutorial Guide

Hey there, thanks for visiting your CMS Tutorial guide. If you’ve received the link to this page, it means that you’re on your way to getting a fantastic new website!

The purpose of this page is to help give you an idea of all of the different ways we can layout content on your site. We use a Panel Concept, and you’ll be able to view the various options below.

Don’t worry; we will take care of ensuring your new site is both visually attractive and professional. This area is just a hub to help you during your content creation process. If you have any questions or need a little direction feel free to reach out to your account manager, and they will be able to help walk you through the process!

Panel 1: Standard Panel

Our Standard Panel is one of the most diverse panel options we have available. It can be used to create buttons or links, upload PDF’s and supporting documents or any other information you’d like to place here. 

Button   Button with Icon

The formatting options available here are also complex. We will upload all of the options so that it’s easy for you to use when you’re updating all of your own content. 

Header 6
Header 5

Header 4

Header 3

Header 2

Normal Blockquote (for longer text):

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus auctor nibh velit. Donec posuere odio non porta mollis. Nunc tempor commodo ligula

Cursive Blockquote (for short messages):

Pellentesque ac convallis nunc, vitae mattis turpis


Panel 2: Promo Boxes

EPSB Foundation News

From Heartprints, Fundraising & more, check out our Newsfeed to see what we’ve been up too.
Learn More

Panel 3: Call to Action

Subtext for Call to Action panel is styled like this.

Panel 4: Standard Panel With Tabs

Tab One Content

The standard panel tab concept was created to help our users split up content while keeping the page visually enjoyable for visitors. 

  • You can place in bullet points
  • Attach photos and videos
  • Create a table for information

The button tab names can be adjusted, so if you have a wide variety of services your company offers you can place it all on one page and users can easily browse through that information. 

Tab Two Content

They can be utilized in a multitude of ways and can also be customized to fit your brand!

As displayed below, embedding a picture or video is no problem at all and can be a powerful tool to help compliment your content. As with a standard panel adding in links, buttons or directing the user to find out more information is all possible in this panel.

Panel 5: Parallax Panel Insert

This is a Parallax Panel!

This panel type should be reserved for a short eye catching blurb of information. As you can see, the words stay in place while the image scrolls behind it. We recommend around 85 - 100 characters in this section if possible. If you need assistance with a background image feel free to reach out to your account manager and they can help you choose one.

Another great addition is that the parallax panel allows for a button which can be a URL link, a phone number or email. Keep this in mind as it’s great for helping with lead generation! 

Panel 6: Side by Side (Image)

Panel 6: Side by Side (Image)

A Short Subtitle Goes Here!

Here is an example of a Side by Side panel with an image on the right!
They are a great tool that can be used to guide the users attention.
You can place information here and also pair it with a relevant picture to display your information.

Panel 7: Side by Side (Video)

A Short Subtitle Goes Here!

Here is another example of a Side by Side but this time with a video on the left hand side!
You can envision a similar concept as above, but this time you can place a relevant YouTube or Vimeo video here to help users understand the point you are making.

Panel 7: Side by Side (Video)

Panel 9: Promo Boxes (Mini)

EPSB Foundation News

From Heartprints, Fundraising & more, check out our Newsfeed to see what we’ve been up too.
Learn More


We’ve got tons of fun events coming up we’d love for you to be apart of, check out our upcoming events here.
Learn More

Get In Touch

Promo box description goes here
Contact Us

Panel 10: FAQs

I want to share information about the Foundation on Social Media. Who do I tag? 

We want to celebrate your fundraising with you! Please tag Edmonton Public Schools Foundation on the following platforms:

Instagram - @epsbfoundation 
Twitter - @EPSFoundation
Facebook @Edmonton Public Schools Foundation

Edmonton Public Schools (@epsbnews) may also be tagged, and if you are affiliated with a school or organization, be sure to use their handles in your posts, too.  

Have questions? We’re here to help, send us a message!

How does the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation use donations?

Contributions to the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation benefit all 214 Edmonton Public Schools through the support and delivery of programming that addresses systemic inequities through investment across six funding pillars: Full Day Kindergarten; Literacy Supports; Mental Wellness; School Nutrition; Learning Tools and Technology; and Enrichment Experiences. 

Learn more about our work

What is the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation? 

The Edmonton Public Schools Foundation was established in 2010 by the Division’s elected Board of Trustees. Our Foundation’s mandate is to raise awareness and funds to level the educational playing field in our community by supporting Division programs that exist outside of the Alberta Government’s public funding. We work with a committed Board of Directors who are dedicated to our mission and genuinely care about the future of today’s learners and tomorrow’s leaders. 

Together with our community partners, we support evidence-based Division programming that addresses systemic inequities through investment across six funding priorities: Full Day Kindergarten; Literacy Supports; Mental Wellness; School Nutrition; Learning Tools and Technology; and Enrichment Experiences.

How does the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation use my personal information?

We abide by the Edmonton Public School Board’s privacy policies.

The Edmonton Public Schools Foundation has developed this website as a resource for individuals and organizations wanting information about our Foundation, services and resources.

We are committed to providing our visitors with a website that respects privacy. 

We do not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, or e-mail address. This information is only obtained if you supply it voluntarily, usually through contacting us via email, through a contact form or by registering in a secure portion of the site (i.e., online registration forms).

Any personal information you provide is protected under Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This means that, at the point of collection, you will be informed that your personal information is being collected, the purpose of collection, and that you have a right to access the information.

Additional information can be found at epsb.ca/privacy/

Is my personal information secure?

Yes. Our card processing service, Blackbaud Merchant Services, makes every effort to protect your information. Blackbaud has been validated as a Level 1 service provider and payment gateway by the PCI Security Standards Council, having met the industry’s most stringent data security requirements. It is our priority, and that of Blackbaud Merchant Services, to make sure that your credit card information, passwords, and personal information are secure.

What is Blackbaud?

Blackbaud is a marketing infrastructure service provider offering advanced Internet fundraising solutions to charitable, educational, and political organizations.

Do I need to donate online? 

The Edmonton Public Schools Foundation gratefully accepts gifts online, in-person, by mail, or over the phone.

Online donations can be made securely through our online giving platform supported by Blackbaud.

In-person donations (Cash or Cheque) can be delivered to the Reception Desk at the Centre for Education (1 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, AB, T5H 4G9) between the hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday (except for Statutory Holidays).

Please make your cheque payable to the “Edmonton Public Schools Foundation” and mail your donation to:

Edmonton Public Schools Foundation
Centre for Education, Main Floor
1 Kingsway NW
Edmonton AB T5H 4G9 

If you wish to make a donation over the phone, we will gladly assist you. Please call (780) 970-5238.

For more information or for specific questions, please send us a note

Panel 11: Partners & Associations

Panel 12: Dynamic News Feed

Panel 13: Staff

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